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Health Benefits of Ceylon Spices

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The Benenefits Our Products Bring To You

Ceylon cinnamon lowers the risk of cancer through antitumor and anti-angiogenesis activities.

Rich in piperine black pepper initiates free radical scavenging that helps to control any progression of tumour growth.

High antioxidant qualities of Cardamom prevent free radicals from causing cell and DNA damage (which is a main cause of cancer).

Anti-inflammatory qualities of Ceylon cinnamon helps to reduce LDL cholesterol, stabilizes HDL cholesterol and reduces blood pressure.

Diuretic effects and antioxidant activities of cardamom helps to reduce blood pressure. And it also reduces blood clotting and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Cloves helps to loosen mucus in the throat and removes them through mouth. which paves the way for a smooth breathing.

Hydroxychalcone in Ceylon cinnamon acts as insulin and helps to lower the blood sugar level.

Rich in piperine black pepper helps to stabilize the glucose levels in blood. It also acts as a bio enhancer for metformin (used to cure diabetes).

Cinnamaldehyde in Ceylon cinnamon activates thermogenesis, this process helps to heat the body to burn calories. Hence it is seen as a grate supportive supplement to weight loss.

Black pepper suppresses appetite and prevents the formation of fat cells.

Ceylon cinnamon is a source of antioxidant manganese, which helps brain functioning and improves the overall brain health.

Piperine in black pepper disables enzymes that break down signaling molecules serotine and dopamine. Which helps to feel good and calm. It also helps to reduce plaque formation in brain which reduces the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.

Piperine in black pepper helps to reduce the levels of oxidative stress, which is one of the reasons for anxiety. While it helps to curb monoamine oxidase (Responsible for depression), it also induces the release of hormones Serotonin and dopamine (which are happy hormones).

Cardamom is a natural antidepressant. Rich in thiamine, a strong antioxidant which helps to reduce stress and depression.

Rich in piperine black pepper helps to remove fat by slowing down enzymes that promotes forming fat.

Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties of Ceylon cinnamon helps to reduce Acne by supporting blood flow to the skin. Which helps to maintain a glowing skin.

Rich in piperine black pepper helps to reduce early signs of Aging by delaying the damaging effects of free radicals.

Cardamom helps hair growth and to maintain a glowing skin by improving blood circulation to skin cells and reducing scalp infection.

Cardamom is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which helps to reduce gum infection and keeps the teeth healthy.

Clove has been used as an instant painkiller for toothaches and a long-term cure to prevent toothache.

Cloves’ rich antibacterial qualities helps to prevent gum infection and reduces the pain caused by gum swelling.

Our Products

We mainly export best quality Ceylon Spices and Food & Beverages worldwide. Here are a few.

Ceylon Cinnamon

Lowers the risk of cancer and heart disease, Reduces blood sugar levels, Helps to lose weight, Helps proper brain functioning, Assist to maintain a glowing skin.

Ceylon Cloves

Benefits digestive system, Regulates blood sugar, Improves Liver and Oral health, Improves Respiratory track health, Soothes mental tension, soothes Acne, Improves scalp health, Rejuvenates skin

Ceylon Black pepper

Assists weight loss, Lowers the risk of cancer, Treats gum inflammation, Reduces blood sugar level, Lowers cholesterol, A natural antidepressant, Improves brain health, Reduces the occurrence of pseudo seizure, Reduces early signs of aging, reduces the symptoms of Remedies

Ceylon white pepper

Assists weight loss, Lowers the risk of Cancer, Treats gum inflammation, Reduces blood sugar level, Lowers cholesterol, A natural antidepressant, Improves brain health, Reduces the occurrence of Pseudo Seizure, Reduces early signs of aging, Reduces the symptoms of remedies

Ceylon Cardamom

Prevents cancer, An anti-inflammatory food, Helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure level, Reduces the digestive track infections, Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, Relieves depression and mental stress, Helps hair growth and healthy skin, Improves oral health

Ceylon Coconut

Lightest color and for the unique flavor, Sri Lankan coconut holds a special demand in world market.

Ceylon King Coconut

Only found in Sri Lanka. 100% Natural.

King coconut water is much sweeter than coconut water, It has a unique taste and is much better than artificial drinks for a healthy life.

Rich in Electrolytes, Packed with Nutrients, Contains Antioxidants, Prevents Kidney Stones.

Ceylon Rambutan

Rambutans are full of potassium, Helps your Heart Beat, kidney function and muscle contract.

White pulp can be easily removed from the seed. Sweet, aromatic and refreshing taste.